Motorcycles and Tats Are NO Substitute For Game!

Just an observation…

Fellas: if you lack good game when it comes to dealing with females, getting a motorcycle or new tattoos won’t help you much. Nothing can compensate for having good game.

Not money; fancy cars; jewelry; a big house; good credit; not even muscles will help you get and keep quality females. Having these things may get a woman’s attention; but you’re fooling yourself if you think it will help you keep her attention.

A fool can get a woman’s attention. Hell; a monkey playing a banjo can get a woman’s attention! But it takes a whole lot more to keep that attention. And this is where most guys are lacking.

There’s been a proliferation of dudes running out and getting bikes lately…spending crazy money on getting their arms and backs and even their necks tatted up. Mostly because somewhere along the line, they heard women find these things sexy on a man. But if you’re running out and jumping on the latest trends just because women think its sexy, you’re not actually exhibiting masculine traits.

You’re not being a self sufficient Man. Instead, you’re still stuck in the mode of seeking female approval. Until you can find approval within yourself and from other established Men for your masculinity, you’ll never know what its like to be a true Man. Only men can validate the masculine within another man. A woman can NEVER validate your manhood. So stop seeking approval from women for your manhood!

Men LEAD; we don’t follow. Manhood isn’t something of a physical nature alone. It has little to nothing to do with outward things and status symbols. True raw masculinity has to come from deep within. This is the true aphrodisiac that drives most women wild. When you allow your true raw masculine energy to shine from deep within yourself, comfortably and without apology…then you’ll have the one trait above all the rest that women find irresistible in a guy.

You don’t change your persona trying to please a female! What part of the game is that?! Dudes are out here getting permanent tattoos all over their bodies because females want them too…Killing themselves on motorcycles trying to personify the image of a bad boy…*shaking my head*

And that’s exactly what it is: guys are trying to present the image of a bad boy. After all; we all know females like bad boys. So you end up with a bunch of wannabe bad boys running around, faking a lifestyle they don’t really have the heart to live, because they think it will help them attract more women.

I guess for me this is so corny because I’ve lived the bad boy image…in reality. I’ve seen and done just about everything these streets have to offer; not only in one town, but in every town I’ve ever lived in. Been a bad boy, was a bad boy, got locked up as a bad boy…lost friends that were bad boys; and damn near lost my own life as a bad boy!

So when I see dudes out there faking something that I know they’re not, just to get females to like them more; it kinda makes my blood boil. It makes the bad boy in me wanna rise to the surface again and start pimp smacking some of these cornballs…

Be who and what you really are. Don’t change up who you are just to accommodate females! If you know you’re not a bad boy, buying a new motorcycle wont’ suddenly make you one! Neither will getting the names of every prison in the state of Texas tatted on your chest.

I pull more females with NO visible tats on my body, driving down the street in my contractor work van, then some of these dudes with muscles, tats and bikes. In fact, a few of the chicks I smashed had boyfriends who drove bikes and were tatted to the hilt! While they were following trends to pull more women, I was smashing their chick by simply and confidently being myself…

And the same could be said for having money…

A false sense of excitement will never lead to a truly exciting life for a woman. Like I said earlier: getting a woman’s attention is the easy part. Now what are you going to do once you have it? How are you going to keep it? Your bike is going to get corny. Soon your tats won’t matter to her any more. Besides, there’s always some new dude on the block getting a newer bike or with different tats for her to stare at. Now how are you going to keep her from straying?

This is what having good game is really all about. Its about knowing how to be the type of dude that women can’t resist…that they simply can’t live without. And it has nothing under the sun to do with what you drive or what new permanent inkings you have on your body.

Get some real game and some good Macking skills under your belt. And leave the bad boy stuff to the real ‘bad boys’.


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