A moment with John “Rosebudd Bitterdose” Dickson

First of all thank you for doing this interview and congratulations on getting your doing your Masters.

BOTG: How long were you a pimp for?

JD: I turned out when I was 20 and stopped PimPin 25 years later

BOTG: It seems that people have a largely wide misconception about Pimps so set the record straight, what is a Pimp?

JD: A PimP is a man that has left what people think behind him and has began a trip that only he can navigate. Many people think PimPs only get women’s money, but the truth of the matter is, a hoe needs a PimP for many reasons and one of them is a PimP’s imagination. He makes up in his mind a lot things that could happen on that track and he warns that hoe about it. This thing may not happen, but simply because you were made aware of it as a hoe, you look out for things that ‘could’ happen. A hoe is out getting money and sometimes their minds are so on getting it, they get careless. PimPs watch out for all recklessness.

BOTG: What makes a man a certified Pimp?

JD: What makes you a PimP is having boundaries and principles that under no circumstance will you violate.

BOTG: When did you know that you were able to attract women?

JD: I always attracted women because I have 6 older brothers that all had women. They use to sit me and my younger brother on the dresser and make us watch them get some pussy. Then at about the age of 9 or 10 my oldest brother had this girl and he was too big for her and he made me and my younger brother put our dicks in her. After that, even though I didn’t know anything about PimPin, I wanted to have a lot of girlfriends, and of course I did.

BOTG: What made you want to be a Pimp?

JD: I did a lot of different hustling and shit, but I have always been a dude that talked a lot of shit. My buddies could not keep up with me in the conversation category. I never met a hustler of any kind that could out talk a PimP and slowly I gravitated. In all honesty, I just wanted to be out there, but the PimPin called me and I gravitated towards it.

BOTG: What inspired you to write your book ‘The American Pimp’?

JD: Shit, I had a book that I was going to write and lost the material. When I got the itch to write, I had 6 hoes, all snow bunnies. Those white bitches loved my black ass and from time to time one of them would leave me some kind of note or card expressing how much I mean to them. After a few years, I had a 12 gallon bag, one of the giant garbage bags filled up with those notes and letters they wrote. I would sit and read through those letters and get really proud. I use to dare my partners to reach in and not get a love letter praising my ass for PimPin on the bitch.

One day I started reading those letters and it came to me that they would make a cold book. People would not believe me if I said all the shit that was in the letters on pages of a book, unless the letters were the book. I started writing, actually organizing the letters by dates and a book was started. Soon after I started the book I moved and in the course of moving, I left the bag of letters and when I raced back to get them, they were gone. I was crushed, but doing that opened the gates for writing and I started with Rosebudd the American PimP. I’ve written 9 novels.

BOTG: Damn. So, what made you want to teach or spit game?

JD: Listening to all of the bullshit I hear you young kats talking about the game. When I listen all I hear is pure bullsh*t and asking me those kinds of questions or making those kinds of statements when I spoke with one of you turned me off. I actually hated to speak with the younger generation of PimPs because of their misinformation about the game.

BOTG: What do you think of the feminist movement?

JD: You don’t remember this because you are too young, but the feminist movement started with dykes. It was not and is not about women. It is about women who chose to be dykes and America didn’t accept them. They took to the streets and began burning their bras and the media labelled it the feminist movement. Soon, regular bitches had problems with their men and relationships and jumped on the feminist band wagon, but they were not dykes, but they became a part of the movement. All feminist want the same thing. They all want a man that ain’t no punk for them or no woman. They have been let down by most of the men they have met and feel as if men are no good. I have never seen a woman who didn’t want to be treated like a lady.

BOTG: What do you think of the interaction of men and women today?

JD: Men have been beat down by all of the bullsh*t women take them through. Most dudes today have a ‘not get too involved’ attitude with women, because of the unfortunate things they hear and see that women do. It is one thing to not do what you are supposed to do as a father, but is it any different when the mother does not do what she is supposed to do as far as a mother?

Abuse laws are a joke, because of how women misuse it to get back at her man that got tired of going to through the changes she wants to go through. I believe if men revert back to the thinking that we had before, tempered with the knowledge we have gained, otherwise men do men shit and women do women shit and no one is better than the other, things would return to where women could have some respect for men. As it stands, women do not respect men because of the women’s liberation movement made men the enemy.

BOTG: When approaching a woman, what is the first thing a man must do?

JD: Man that depends on what the man wants from the woman he approaches. There is no magical introduction, the magic comes from how you handle the conversation and you never know where the conversation will start, the only thing I always knew was where the conversation was going to end up.

BOTG: Upon approaching a woman, what is the first thing you usually say?

JD: There is not a first thing to say to a woman. Each time you approach a woman it is a different situation and you should have the ability to adapt to whatever the case, but I do have several planned conversations that I can use in a crunch. The key to catching any woman is being able to make her think it is all about her when in reality you are leading her thoughts to what you want.

BOTG: Give your definition of a nice guy.

JD: I don’t have a definition of a nice guy. I believe if I did have one, I would fit it to a tee. I am a gentleman at all times, I escort my woman, pull her seat out, open doors, take her coat and many other things of the gentlemanly quality. None of it means that I am a punk for any woman, though.

BOTG: Is it good to be nice?

JD: I think it is the best quality you can have. I always help the elderly, slow down when I see a blinker trying to get over, be courteous to women. I don’t really think it is one way or another. It all depends on what or how you think about yourself.

BOTG: Your book ‘The Invention Man’ is a very intriguing and captivating story, what inspired or influenced you to write it?

JD: Dude, in reality I am a really good writer. All of my books are spawned from each other. Rodney Danville is a character in another book I wrote entitled, Time Will Tell. In that book he has maybe a page and the book is almost 400 pages long. In the book he is the same character he is in Invention Man, I just felt he had a life when I introduced him to Time Will Tell. He played an intricate part in what happened in that story and that made him important to me. So I investigated him and ended up with The Invention Man.

That book is a trilogy and I have already written the second part and am currently writing the third. The trilogy is absolutely amazing. If you remember in the Invention Man Rodney found out that that drug integrated itself with his DNA. What do you suppose would happen if he unintentionally passed that gene on to an offspring? What if they didn’t know that there were more than one child with that deformed gene and the two of them wed and had offspring? I have the ingredients for a bomb story.

BOTG: That sounds amazing! So if you had to choose, who would you classify yourself more under, Rodney or Solomon?…(Laughing) Also state why.

JD: I’m more like Rodney, although I mirrored Solomon off of myself. Actually every story I tell, the characters are all me. The women, the children, all of the characters are some form of me or do what I would do in their situations. But . . . I would not mutilate anyone even though I saw myself doing that shit when I was writing The Invention Man.

That is one of the reasons I made such a good PimP-I have a wild and vivid imagination and I predicted all sorts of things that would happen on that track to those hoes and they were amazed by my knowledge of the game.

BOTG: Are the characters based on real life people and is there going to be a part two? (I really need to know the details of Rodney’s escape…*Laughing out Loud*)

JD: I answered that already, but what I will do for you and you only; I will send you the manuscript for part 2 if you promise to keep me up on what you think. Deal?

BOTG: Thank you. Deal. So, why do you think most women want thugs?

JD: Women do not want thugs. They want men who are entrepreneurs. There is a certain arrogance that comes when you are self made and it is terribly attractive to women. Unfortunately, in America you can’t run into those men unless you are on the streets or doing something illegal. The ‘I don’t give a damn’ mentality is the most attractive thing about men like me. We don’t care about the law or what people think about us and we are very opinionated. Add this to having money to do what you want to with and you will see most women do not stand a chance when it comes to what attracts her.

BOTG: Don’t you worry about women reading your book ‘The American Pimp’?

JD: Man hell no. I want women to read that book and learn what a real PimP do and think. Plus, every one that has read it ended up liking me. (Laughing). But my book is not just for men, or PimPs. Of course it is about me and what I did while I PimPed, but all of the messages are on manhood and responsibilities that comes with controlling other people’s destinies.

BOTG: As an ex-pimp but still with the pimp mentality, what are your views on marriage? And what would be your advice or suggestion to anyone about to get married?

JD: Man I am married and happy. I have no opinions on marriage per say, but obviously I agree with it. What people don’t understand is there is no magic potion or something to make things work. If you don’t know what you want, you will not get what you want. I know what kind of woman I want and I know what women want. If you are goal oriented and meet and fall for a woman that is not goal oriented, this can work because opposites attract. The key is, knowing how to ‘make’ it work and not ‘expect’ it to work.

People rely on other people’s experiences to work for them. That’s why so many people ask those kinds of questions. What I think or feel will do nothing for you unless you are going to do and say what I do and say. That’s why I tell people on my streams how important it is to develop your own shit for whatever you are thinking about. What I do for them that is important is show them ways to develop it.

BOTG: Do you think the Pimp Mentality is needed in a relationship or marriage?

JD: No. The PimP mentality is only necessary for a PimP to have. You cannot have a PimP mentality because you read a book, or spoke with a PimP, or read an interview with a lot of information in it. The reason is, a PimP’s mentality is developed by the things that happen to him in the course of fucking with hoes. This attitude is developed more every time he wins. When he solves a problem with game, or makes a move that required his knowledge, it forges or ingrains in him that this is what he wants to do for the rest of his life. The more his skills navigate the streets of the game, the more of an attitude develops in him and he can see himself becoming a real PimP.

BOTG: Describe confidence. This is something a man has to have; Tell us how a man can generate it.

JD: I cannot speak on that, because I have students that pay for the courses I have on confidence and if you have noticed the responses on Facebook, I have 100% success rate. I will say this, if you are prepared you can learn how to get or increase or maintain a high level of confidence. My courses are $49 each and there are a total of three. Look on my Facebook page and see how many men have praised my courses. If any of your people are interested send a post office money order to John Dickson PO Box 82313 Los Angeles, Ca. 90082. You can also use PayPal to send the money for the course, use budd@rosebuddbitterdose.net include $4.00 shipping and handling for a total of $53.00.

BOTG: What do you think men are doing wrong with women these days? I mean if you believe that something is wrong.

JD: Something is very wrong. This goes back to the feminist movement. Men do not have a real place in a woman’s life, today. Women over 50 years old remember first hand burning their bras, but women under 30 have no clue as to why there is so much animosity concerning men from women. When the dyke women spoke out, they spoke out as women which is why they are so fake. They rallied regular women who were experiencing mistreatment from their men, to their sides and together they forged a wall between men and women that did not really take effect for years later.

Now, years later men do not know what to do for women. I don’t know how a woman expects a man to want to stay around her when she is constantly talking about how she can take care of herself. She doesn’t need a man. I say to them, bitch fuck you and your needs. Real women don’t need a man to take care of them, I agree, but they do need a man for many other reasons and to sit and say you don’t need one is exactly why the average woman you meet today don’t have a man. Mark my words, the old fashion ways of relationships are making a comeback, and only the women who don’t need men, will be running around saying that shit, and to her dyke ass, I say so what bitch.

BOTG: How should a man deal with fear of approach, fear of negative feedback from women and fear in general and overcoming it?

JD: Sorry man, again this is covered in my course on confidence and it wouldn’t be fair to give this information freely in an interview, when they had to pay for it.

BOTG: Fair enough. Would you say that the game is mostly about looks?

JD: No way. I had a partner named Ugly George and he had 7 of the finest white bitches you ever wanted to see. They called him ‘Ugly’ when they referred to him. The game is totally about confidence. I know one arm Joe, I know one eyed Jimmy, I know one legged Crip. All of these cats are great PimPs that overcame the bullsh*t about looks and having to be 100%, which they were, with or without what was missing on them. They were all 100% confident that they could have hoes and they did.

BOTG: It is understandable that a pimp usually sleeps with more women than the ‘average Joe’ in his lifetime, so allow us to know some of the secrets of the bedroom. Even on pg 158 of your book ‘The Invention Man’, where Sandy was schooling Rodney in the bedroom, revealed a lot. Could you elaborate a bit more on what ‘she’ meant by making sure that the woman knows the man is touching her? You know what, give us any information…(Laughing).

JD: Man, the biggest reason a man does not perform well in the bedroom is because he has not dealt with enough women and the women he dealt with didn’t make him feel like a special man. I did not sex a woman who did not know what to say to me and how to approach me in that regards. The biggest asset you have in the bedroom is what your woman thinks of you. If she thinks of you as a real motherf*cker, when you touch her she will tremble with passion, because a motherf*cker is touching her. Sex is more mental than it is physical. Think about it, if the woman is not mentally into it, she will not respond to anything you do and if you are not mentally into it your dick won’t respond to the stimulation.

Rodney used to grope women when he felt them and it was not a turn the way he did it. Sandy made him see and understand that there was a way to touch a woman that would stimulate her, instead of grousing her out. By the way, I told you all of my characters are me, but Sandy is actually modelled after my first hoe. In the book her name was Samber, but in life her name was Sandy and she helped me discover all the things I learned about hoes and women by accepting my PimP hand 100%.

BOTG: Wow! So, what are your thoughts on male groups like this one trying to influence and empower men to be leaders in their relationships?

JD: Men are supposed to lead in a relationship, but people’s roles in life have been altered and nothing that worked in the past will work now because of the mindset of people. No matter what country you go to or can think of, the ones that have the proper male/female relationships and roles are the happiest. Of course if you tantalize them with the sh*t we do in America they will think it’s better here, until they implement it in their life.

BOTG: What is the most important thing to remember about John Dickson aka Rosebudd Bitterdose?

JD: That I am more than a PimP. I am also a leader, scholar, author, father, grandfather, husband, otherwise just like the person sitting next to you. What makes people think I should be remembered is the way I went about my PimPin and the way I have handled my post PimP career. It’s a fact, I will be remembered and my goal is to be remembered for being more than a PimP.

BOTG: Your books were well written, where did you learn to write?

JD: I had a natural ability, but I did go to college for creative writing. I don’t really think that is why I write so well though. I believe it is because I write the way I think and if you really think about it, a PimP has to know how to tell a story. How else is he going to show this potential hoe all the possibilities we can have together.

BOTG: Would you say that to get and maintain a woman, a man has to be somewhat heartless?

JD: Hell no. You can’t be soft either. There is a fine line you must maintain in order to catch and keep any woman. You must continue to be exciting and motivating for her mind.

BOTG: Would you say all women are the same in terms of having the Pimp Mentality?

JD: All women are not the same in how they go about getting what they want, but they all want basically the same things. They want security in the fact the man they are dealing with is indeed a real man over the long run. Women want a man that knows how to appreciate them without kissing their ass. They want fun and excitement that can recur throughout the relationship. Women want an uninhibited sex partner and a man that knows how to make love to them without having sex. There is a long list that women desire, but those are among the top few.

BOTG: That is very interesting. So, has a woman ever said no when you approached and then changed her mind?

JD: Yeah, but not while I was there, because when she says ‘no’ or make me think she will say ‘no’, I’m gone. I do not waste my time with a woman who needs to be convinced to get with me. I feel if she can’t see, she loses because she doesn’t get to be with me. Believe it or not, in each of those cases where they changed their minds, it was because I let them know I didn’t care if they didn’t get with me. I only care if you do get with me.

BOTG: Wow! What do you think a woman needs or wants most from a man?

JD: Understanding of the real dynamics of a woman and a relationship.

BOTG: In your book ‘The Invention Man’, the character Solomon got women with a lot of compliments, which also helped Rodney in getting Sandy, so allow us to ask, how important are compliments in the game?

JD: Most people say it hinders a person’s game when given too much. It hinders when you are ‘giving’ compliments. If you are sharp you can see when a woman does something you should take note of and pay a compliment. Even in small gestures such as paying attention as you speak. When you compliment the real things that are going on instead of the surface bullsh*t, she will take note and will not be able to get you off of her mind.

BOTG: We learnt you did Judo, what belt did you reach and have you ever used it?

JD: I knew karate and got to my brown belt. I was not really serious, but I learned the forms and did the katas and pinions. Up until the brown belt you had to pull your punches, but from brown on up you had to really condition your body to absorb the punishment because contact was made in the brown and full contact was made in the black belt. I went for my brown belt and sailed through the forms. I was on my way to earning the belt but in order to do so you had to spar with a black belt and full contact was made.

That black belt was afraid of me because he was a white boy and I was fairly good, but when the fool spent around and back kicked me in my stomach, after I caught my breath, I quit. I wasn’t going to no beach and jab my hands in the sand or jab my fingers in a bucket with pellets and water in it. I already thought I was cool and as far as I was concerned I knew enough karate that no one would f*ck with me, so it was a win-win situation for me. I knew some shit and didn’t have to f*ck my hands up getting tough. (Laughing)

BOTG: You are about to get a Master degree, congratulations, what are your future plans?

JD: I’m going to get my Masters and go into education. I will focus on 3rd graders because I believe that is the turning point for a lot of young kids. I believe with my background in the streets I can identify with them and earn their trust and hopefully guide them into their teen years with a direction other than trouble. It’s important for me to use my knowledge in reaching people for the good of the community now.

All of my projects deal with helping people in various stages of life. My mp3s are selling well on www.cdbaby.com/rosebuddbitterdose1 and when you want the next volume just put 2 where the 1 is and so on. My books on www.amazon.com are doing well also and as you can attest to, I can write. I will be happy when the 17th of July gets here so my documentary will be available to the public. Overall I feel that I am representing myself well in my post PimP life.

BOTG: Thank you and good luck on all your endeavours.



RealTalkWithRosebudd streams: www.ustream.tv/channel/rtrb Twitter: @mrrosebudd

Order information:

The GodFather The Real Fillmore Slim documentary $15.99 + $4.00s&h

Rosebudd The American PimP hardcopy book $24.99

Mp3s audio book of Rosebudd the American PimP $9.99 each Volume @ www.cdbaby.com

Male confidence courses $49 + $4.00 s&h

3 courses on getting, maintaining and increasing confidence


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