Monthly Archives: August 2011

Know this before you have Sex!! (Give Birth to Supremes!)

Amun-RE Sen Atum-RE

Amun-RE Sen Atum-RE (birthname, Michael) has written about 50 books or over at age 27. He goes into spirituality, mysticism and existence in depth and in such a way to have you in awe and reevaluating your entire belief system. Truly he is a gifted speaker and writer and feels no hesitation to teach, express and distribute his experiences, findings and lifestyle. Continue reading

Man Woman Myth Production


The author of the site is from the UK, is happily married with children and is eminently well-adjusted. He decided to create a site showing his documentary video series out of a desire to point out the numerous and glaring failures of Feminism and to bring out the indirect misandry perpetuated today. He is simply a man who has a clear view on the toxic nature of Feminism, its corrupting effect on women and it’s larger negative effects on all of us. Continue reading

A Man’s Guide To Love Production

Man's Guide To Love Image

All over the country, a group of men have been asking men all over the country “If they had one piece of advice that they’d give another man about love, what would it be?” These video logs dating back to 2010 has been very interesting. Just be careful of the programming cause clearly there are a lot of Simps and too much nice guy syndrome out there. Continue reading

Real Talk Gurus Production

Real Talk Gurus

RealTalk Gurus is built so that people can email any questions that they feel like.The online advice series originated in late 2009 and has created plenty of buzz throughout the online community. These 3, Tactix (Andrew James), Renegade (Matthew Kirby) and Iceman (Marlon Edwards) tell it as it is and don’t hold back, they’ve each had their share of relationships, breakups, and sexual endevours and are now sharing their experiences with the public to try and help those in need. These guys are straight up comedians. Continue reading

Angela Auset E Baker: Goddess Body Wellness


Angela Auset , Master Educator of the Holistic Sciences, is force in raising awareness & spawning positive action in the realms of healing the human form through vegetarianism, and all that is ‘of the earth’. Having had her own battles with ill health ,culminating at the young ages of 18- 21, ranging from fibroids, ovarian cysts, & kidney issues.

She adopted a vegan lifestyle, & learned of earths natural plant remedials to further assist the body in healing itself. After a year & ½ of ingesting Natural foods and herbs regularly she successfully eradicated ALL forms of female disorders once residing in her temple. This spawned her to “live her making” as a healer, for other women & the world at large. Continue reading

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Trust Thyself

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson was one of the central characters in the transcendental movement which started in Massachusetts during the late 1830’s. He resigned from his occupation as a Unitarian clergyman in 1832 to travel to Europe, where he befriended Carlyle, Coleridge and Wordsworth among others. Continue reading