Monthly Archives: October 2011

Brotherhood Watch: Billy Burr

Bill Burr

Billy Burr may be into comedy but the issues he touches on is so true. Normally, mostly all the slave as well as relationship materials are covered by black comedians but in his case he discusses issues through the standpoint of black men as well as causian views. Honest, straight forward and very tactical in his delivery and expressions, he gets all races thinking as they laugh at most of the issues causian men fail to delivery from an honest or fearful point of view. You may not think so and if not, that’s okay but this man is funny to me. Pay close attention to what he says, it comes from a place of truth.

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Paying Homage: Dedan Tolbert

Ask Dedan

Award-winning author, advice columnist and talk show host, Dedan Tolbert entered the entertainment industry in 2005 with the release of his award-winning debut novel , “The Love We Had…”.

Mr Tolbert has dedicated his life to helping women avoid many of the uncomfortable situations they often find themselves in by giving dating and relationship advice that encourages self reflection and examination which would make a woman left lonely, abused or unfulfilled. He makes women realize that certain behaviour exercised to show ‘independent’ or a negative vibe will make a man run or lead them along. Continue reading

Daddy’s Girl

Daddy's girl logo

Definition of Daddy– A name of a parent to a son and daughter. Also known as a father, meaning he fattens his son and daughter with knowledge. There is the word he (son) in her (daughter) so he fat-her (son and daughter) them both. Not every man is a good father or is a father despite being a daddy (biological donor).

Definition of girl (daughter)– A girl growing up to be a woman.

Every girl knows their biological father as daddy and every father’s deep rooted fear for their daughter(s) is that they do not become a stripper, prostitute or a general hoe. So they do everything to pamper. Prostitutes, strippers and hoes strive for love so being that women respond to words and girl’s are women in the making, father’s say everything nice and politely. They aim to make their daughters feel good about themselves therefore equating it to self love. This self love makes the daughter connect to their father been that it was he who influenced it. In the end she feels loved. Continue reading

Message of the Week

Manage a great nation as you would cook a delicate fish.

To govern men in accord with nature
It is best to be restrained;
Restraint makes agreement easy to attain,
And easy agreement builds harmonious relationships;
With sufficient harmony no resistance will arise;
When no resistance arises,
then you possess the heart of the nation,
And when you possess the nation’s heart,
your influence will long endure:
Deeply rooted and firmly established.
This is the method of far sight and long life.~59. RESTRAINT-Tao Te Ching