Tag Archives: Tricks

Paying Homage: Mickey Royal

Mickey Royal is big in the game as a well known, full fledge, P.I til he D.I, Pimp. Spitting serious, unravelling, effective, game, his book ‘The Pimp Game: Instructional Guide’ lives up to it’s title. The instructions in it helps a lot in understanding the game as well as living it. It truly is a guide. He covers all the angles from what a pimp, hustler, Mack and a Ho is. The book is self explanatory and very well written. Mickey Royal has truly lived the pimp life and still living it.

You may be thinking this is too much, a pimp guiding people to be pimps but you would be wrong in that notion. The book guides people to understand the game or you’ll get played. Life is a game, it’s play or be played. If you recognize game, you can never be played. Mickey Royal (like most pimps) bring awareness to what is going on in the game and how to play it. They give you the rules.

There are a lot of men who also want to be pimps regardless of the cost. Most men focus on one aspect which is the women. They want to get into the lifestyle to be having a lot of sex and just for the title. The book guides such mindset through the game for these men to at least do it right until they see whether it’s worth it or not. To be a pimp is serious and dangerous business. Mickey Royal provides an aid. Mickey Royal, Brotherhood of the Game salutes you.

The Pimp Game Instructional Guide

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from pg 18
………Now remember that pimps (kings) are born and not made. If it is in you, it is probably being manifested in a non-encouraging environment. A seed is one part of a four part equation. To grow, a seed needs soil, sunlight and water. A seed can’t grow outside of a proper growth environment. Just as a pimp can’t mature into a true pimp without game. A game is to a pimp what soil is to a seed, elements in which his powers flourish and ripen to where he reaps the maximum benefit.

The more you fall in love with yourself, the more you’ll be hated by the masses. They will be jealous, envious, and in some cases, they will be hero worshipers. But don’t fall for that. Remember the masses are ho’s and tricks who are subconsciously driven by their insecurities and inadequacies on the road of life. In life, there are drivers and passengers. Everyone you don’t see in the mirror when you stand alone in it is beneath you. There’s only one game, pimping. There can only be one game per pimp. Continue reading