Tag Archives: Feminine

TrueWise: The Black Woman is Earth

Overstand that there are four elements that make up all other elements in nature. The four elements are 1) Water, 2) Earth, 3) Fire, 4) Air

Water and Earth are FEMININE attributes of nature.
Fire and Air are MASCULINE attributes of nature.

Feminine is negative (-) flow of nature.
Masculine is positive (+) flow of nature. Continue reading

A Feminine Touch: Amile Waters

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BOTG: What do you think of the feminist movement?

AW: I think it is an incredible thing that we still have women out there that will not bow down to the “stereotypes” of femininity. I love that.

BOTG: What do you think of the interaction between men and women today?

2 Words…. false advertisement. No one seems to be real with themselves or each other for that matter. Its pretty disturbing if you ask me.

BOTG: What qualities do you think it takes a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman?

AW: Know your self-worth. Its that basic.

BOTG: Why do you think a lot of women (especially black women) are single?

AW: I blame today’s current media. Women[especially young black women]feel its more important to be a carbon-copy of the latest artist, rather than read a freakin’ book. In my opinion, I am not apologizing for NOT being with the crowd, I just concentrate on being original.

BOTG: Give your definition of a nice guy.

AW: A man that cannot only stand up for his beliefs….but isnt afraid of sharing his deep, most intimate thoughts.

BOTG: What do you think of a man that does anything you want?

AW: Personally… spineless. I need someone with an opinion now and then.

BOTG: Is it good for a man to be nice?

AW: Not all the time. There is a time and place for everything.

BOTG: In a relationship what do you bring to the table? Continue reading

A Feminine Touch: Ciara Leon

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BOTG: What do you think of the feminist movement?

CL: I have great respect for the women that in the feminist movement but at the same time all of us women should realize that we must use our gender to get certain things in life. This is in no way a sexual aspect but more mental. Women will always be seen for our gender. Yes there are certain things that should change as far as earnings but I feel very grateful for the women that have fought for women’s rights.

BOTG: What do you think of the interaction between men and women today?

CL: The interaction is disgusting and sometimes very degrading. Men these days seem to have lost a lot of respect for women. These days everything is about sex, money, and power. Men want women for sexual factors, money to get women, and power to degrade them. Yet women seem to not respect themselves these days. Most women nowadays depend on men for financial benefits and nothing else. So it is a catch 22. Everything is now centred on fame.

Women will do anything to be in a famous rappers video or a magazine. And when men in the industry know that, they take advantage. In the real world sex is the basis of all interactions. There is no meaning of love; just physical looks, sex, and money. It is very sad.

BOTG: What qualities do you think it takes a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman?

CL: The qualities it takes to be a man is someone who is very loyal to themselves and people that they interact with, someone who is independent, successful, educated, open minded, sweet, sense of humour, not afraid of anything, even asking for help, and someone who is a go getter. The qualities it takes to be a woman is someone who is also loyal, honest, respectable, educated, open minded, independent, outgoing personality, a caretaker, humble, and a woman that has high self esteem.

BOTG: What do you think are the roles of men and women in a relationship or marriage?

CL: I feel that both women and men have the same roles in a relationship. They both should be hard workers, independent, loving, caring, open minded, understanding, dependent upon one another, sexually integrated, and of all acceptance of one another’s ways.

BOTG: Why do you think a lot of women (especially black women) are single?

CL: I feel that a lot of black women are single these days because of what the media considers sexy; which not black women don’t fit in. Black women are not praised because of our appearance which is our dark skin. The media wants what black women have physically yet subtracting the skin complexion. This is something that is a big conflict. Light skin versus dark skin.

Also another reason why I feel many black women are single these days is because of attitude. Black women have always been seen as aggressive, negative individuals. Black women have been known greatly for their attitudes and this is a very deep stereotype. I am not denying this but I feel that this is a big burden. Not all black women have attitudes. Yet only black American women are seen as this. Being the one person I am many people say the only reason why I don’t have an attitude problem is because I am African. LOL. This is just funny yet sad at the same time.

BOTG: Why are women so eager to get married? Would you say marriage changes anything? Continue reading