Tag Archives: Interview

BROTHERHOOD WATCH: Andrew Tate BBC Interview

While court cases are pending, Andrew Tate finally agreed to doing an interview with the BBC. To do the interview, he had his own film crew to record it as well. This way nothing can be cut out or his words cannot be taken or twisted. This means he has the original interview at all time.

It was an interesting interview and made him look targeted, by what he calls ‘The Matrix’. Andrew’s Tate delivered the interview with a calm demeanour.

A Feminine Touch: Vanessa Carnegie

BOTG: What do you think of the feminist movement?

VC: I think it’s a great thing as women to stand up for ourselves.

BOTG: What do you think of the interaction between men and women today?

VC: To be honest the interaction between men and women today is sad. It’s very disappointing. We are definitely lacking respect for one another.

BOTG: What qualities do you think it takes a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman?

VC: First off a woman should have understanding. She should have respect for herself and others and she should be willing to take care of a real man when she gets one. A real man should bring income in the house hold. He should always be willing to provide and protect his family by all means.

BOTG: Why do you think a lot of women ( especially black women) are single?

VC: There are a few reasons why but number one is there are a lot more women in the world then there are men. And a lot of black women are single because a lot of our black me are either gay or in jail and a lot of them are dating outside there race.

BOTG: Why are women so eagered to get married? Would you say marriage changes things?

VC: I think it’s in a women’s nature to want to feel loved and secure, so we naturally gravitate towards marriage. And marriage does changes things (it’s a much different ball game.)

BOTG: If you had the power to change the interaction between men and women what would it be?

VC: I just wish we could cut out at least half of the negative things that we felt for one another. The bottom line is a woman needs a man and a man needs a woman.

BOTG: When you wrote your book ‘A young girl’s fantasy’, what were you think? What inspired you to write?

VC: I started A young girl’s fantasy when I was twenty years old. I always had a creative side to me. An idea just popped in my head to write a book. I thought I would give it a try. At the time a lot of great ideas were coming to me.

A Young Girl's Fantasy


BOTG: Is everything in the book a true story? Continue reading

Two And A Half Men Has Been Cancelled

Charlie Sheen

Man on Man, you’ve got to love Charlie Sheen’s truth-telling attitude. Charlie Sheen the man who replaced Michael J Fox in Spin City and who played a Rambo like character in the comdedy film Hot Shot, expressed and wowed everybody with his personality and don’t care attitude. He stated that pleasing people holds you back.


Charlie Sheen 2

A Feminine Touch: Victoria Angel

BOTG: What do you think of the feminist movement?

VA: I believe the feminist movement because so many women need empowerment. So many women have paved the way for other women.

BOTG: What do you think of the interaction between men and women today?

VA: I think that both sexes need to be more outgoing in their communication between each other. Just more open in each individual’s needs and be real with themselves as who they really are as a person.

BOTG: What qualities do you think it takes a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman?

VA: I feel that both need to have internal strength. A man need to reconize his strengths and the values he had growing up, making him a man and women need to build good strong self esteem and love themselves. Just embrace who you are as a male or female.

BOTG: What do you think are the roles of men and women in a relationship or marriage?

VA: To me there is no exact particular role because a lot of women are in powerful positions so there are a lot of men who have to cook and take care of the kids and do laundry etc. I feel as long as each individual work together as a unit and agree on each person duties things will work out fine; as long as there is a agreement.

BOTG: Why do you think a lot of women (especially black women) are single?

VA: Well from what I can see, it seems like so many black women take on the stronger male role so with some it can be hard to relax and let a man take over a little.

BOTG: Why are women so eager to get married? Would you say marriage changes anything?

VA: Because a lot of women are raised that way. And no, marriage may not change anything u still have to work at marriage.

BOTG: If you had the power to change the interaction between men and women what would it be? Continue reading

A moment with D.J Harmon

Hosted by imgur.com

BOTG: What makes you a certified Mack?

DH:What makes me a mack is the fact that I am a mission to master the game of life through knowledge and understanding. I strive to analyze, understand and manipulate every aspect of life so that I will be in control as much as I possibly can. I know what to say and when to say it, because I understand who I am saying it to.

BOTG: When did you know that you were truly full-fledged Mack?

DH:I can’t think of any one point that it just clicked in my mind that I’d hit the level of a mack. I can pinpoint when my journey began, however, and that would be the first time I really got played by a female. At that moment, I was a destined to be a mack because I decided to stop being a square.

BOTG: What made you want to teach or spit game?

DH:I have always been, and will always be, a student of the game. I’m on a constant quest to learn as much as I possibly can about the game and women. A wise man once told me that the best way to learn something is to teach it. Spitting game comes natural.

BOTG: What do you think of the interaction of men and women today?

DH:The interactions between men and women today are completely unbalanced. Somewhere along the line, chivalry transcended everything that it should have been and turned into the axiom that men should kiss a woman’s behind at all times. For the majority of social interactions, women wield the power because men surrender it. A man puts in his bid, and a woman chooses whether or not she will give him the time of day.

BOTG: When approaching a woman, what is the first thing a man must do?

DH:The first thing a man must do when approaching a woman is to strategize. A man should have a plan of action when stepping to a woman, if possible. He should observe whatever he can about her in order to put himself in the greatest position possible to end up successful.

BOTG: Upon approaching a woman, what is the first thing you usually say?

DH:It really depends on the situation. It could be no more than a simple “Hello. How are you? My name is D.J.” If I note something interesting about her, what she’s doing, or what’s going on around us, I may comment about that before making an introduction.

BOTG: Give your definition of a nice guy.

DH:I think there are two separate definitions of a ‘nice guy’. There is the nice guy that you don’t want to be and there’s the nice guy that you do want to be. The one that you don’t want to be is a pushover. He’s a punk. He allows women to control and run over him and he has no backbone or sense of masculinity. The nice guy that you do want to be is respectful, grounded, and reasonably accommodating.

BOTG: Is it good to be nice?

DH:It is good to be nice. It isn’t good to be a pushover.

BOTG: Tell us about your book ‘ The Mack Mentality; Dating & Survival Principles For The Modern Day Mack’

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DH:The book is something I’m really proud about because I think it is necessary for the world that we’re in today. The dating game really is a mess. The book is meant to restore balance by empowering men with knowledge and game. Inside the book are 32 principles that men should abide by to keep the upper hand in their dealings with women.

This book isn’t about how to be a player and it doesn’t contain a bunch of lame pick up lines that the squares use. This book is about giving men the confidence, attitude and understanding so he will not need to use lines. The Mack Mentality is about controlling and manipulating minds.

BOTG: What influenced you to write the book? Continue reading